Sander de Bruin

Sander de Bruin

Architect / project manager and associate partner

Sander de Bruin (MArch) is an architect and project leader, and as associate partner responsible for (internal) training and human resources.

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Sander studied at the Academy of Architecture in Tilburg, where his graduation work was nominated in 2014 and subsequently exhibited at the 2015 Dutch Design Week. During his studies, he gained experience with various partners in the construction process, including constructors, contractors and various architectural firms.

In addition to his substantive work, he supervises interns, provides graduation guidance at various colleges and within the company he (co-)leads the internal training of starting colleagues.

Sander distinguishes himself by his broad interests and thorough knowledge of all aspects of the profession, from vision to delivery. He strongly believes in the importance of this versatile approach, where he can not only develop design concepts in the vision phase, but, thanks to his architectural expertise, can also effectively tackle technical challenges during the realization phase. This perspective allows him to take an active role in every part of the construction process, while maintaining the total overview until the final end product; groundbreaking designs with refined, thoughtful detailing.